Monday, June 27, 2016

The Bachelorette: JoJo

On that first night of the Bachelorette when all the guys meet the her and each other for the first time and they are sitting around the living room of the bachelor house checking each other out, what do you think is really going through the minds of the non-Caucasian men?  Let’s put a little “reality” in reality TV shall we.  Out of twenty-five guys there are probably going to be four or five men of color, which on this season’s bachelorette with JoJo, there were five.  Now if any of these guys have watched the show before they know a couple of them will be cut the first night.  The remaining two or three guys would know that they will most likely me cut between rose ceremony 3 to 5 and there is no way they stand any chance of making it to the finale and get that final rose.  The most they can hope for is to get a quick make out session with the b

So why is it that the show’s producers are so afraid of diversity on the show?  Are they afraid people won’t watch it?  While they may be that shallow, we their audience are not.  Would I still watch the show if the bachelor was African American or Asian?  Absolutely.  Or why do all of the guys have to be so perfect, why don’t they include someone who is in a wheelchair or has an artificial limb?  There are some amazing and really hot guys that have handicaps.  Not only is the show starting to get boring with the same old thing, two white guys and a white girl and the end but it’s so obviously prejudicial.  Come on producers get with the times, a little diversity would go a long way.  Not to mention have more faith in your audience, we’re not all raciest.  Give us some variety, mix it up, don’t be afraid, it’s ok.  The world isn’t black and white (or in your case white) it’s filled with all different colors and shapes.  It’s a beautiful world out there, open your eyes and explore.

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