Friday, July 1, 2016

Muslim Woman Doesn't Stand for National Anthem - So What!

I just saw a post online that showed a pictures of what looks like a bunch of people at some sort of event.  They are all standing except for a Muslim women, who is wearing a head scarf, and her children.  The caption reads “if you can’t stand for our national anthem, go back to the country that you came from.”

I can’t began to describe the ignorance in this statement.  First of all if this woman is in fact from another country why would she stand for the national anthem of another country other than her own?  When you stand during the national anthem you are making a public declaration of your allegiance to that country.   

But most likely this was more of a religious decision.  Perhaps she pledges her allegiance to God rather than a country or government.  I don’t, I don’t know why she didn’t stand.  All I know is that she has the right to make that decision as do all of us.  This is was our constitution is all about.  This is what our forefathers fought for, freedom of religion, freedom of expression. 

There is a difference between diversity and terrorism so to the person who created this post – get your nose out of your computer, go outside and see the world, meet people, experience life and maybe, just maybe you won’t be so ignorant in the future. 

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