Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Using Electronic Stimulation to Treat Migraines

Electronic MassagerOddly enough, while attending a travel show there was a booth that was promoting an electronic device that is used to relax muscles and stimulate nerves.  When I went to the

chiropractor they used a similar device.  The device has four pads that you place on the areas of tension for you.  For migraines it is suggested that you place them on your shoulders, upper back and neck.

The pads are connected to wires and when it is turned on it will send a small electronic pulse causing the muscles to contract and then release.  You can control the intensity as well as various pulse patterns.  For example one feels like vibrating while another feels like pounding. 

MigraineIt’s a little weird at first because your muscles are contracting without you controlling it but I find it to be very relaxing.  With some of my migraines I can feel it in my left shoulder beforehand.  The muscles in my shoulder will start tightening up to the point it’s painful.  When this starts to happen I will put this device on in order to loosen that muscle up.

You can find these devices on Amazon from $20 to $199.  They go by different names, if you search for electronic muscle stimulator or electronic pulse massager, you will find a wide variety of these devices.  

Monday, July 11, 2016

Cable TV Companies

Today I was talking to a cable provider and as they were trying to sell their service to me the guy was telling me that I would need to sign a 2 year contract.  Now see for me, someone who already has commitment issues, that’s a problem. 

Because the way I see it, I would be entering a relationship with them.  It would be like signing an agreement to be in a relationship with them for 2 years before we even have our first date.  And what happens if by the third date I decide this just isn’t working out for me and I want to kick them to the curb but I can’t because I signed an agreement to be in a relationship with them for 2 years.  So now you what’s going to happen?  I’m going to cheat on them.  Yep, cause I’m trapped in a 2 year loveless relationship and when you cheat it cost you…

That’s right child support!  I am going to be paying them child support for 2 years while I’ve moved on to something better.

What a mess – no wander I have commitment issues.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Jennifer Aniston's Trashy Look

I came across this picture in a story about  Jennifer Aniston and the only thing I could think of was how trashy she looked.  She can't seriously think this looks sexy because its not, its just trashy.  There is no class in this look, at all.  You have plenty of money, go buy a bra and put it on.  She would have looked so much better if she had a bra on than she does walking around with two giant nipples staring at everyone.  Its just a really, really bad look.  There is no shame in wearing a bra Jennifer!  It doesn't mean your old, young women wear them too.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Muslim Woman Doesn't Stand for National Anthem - So What!

I just saw a post online that showed a pictures of what looks like a bunch of people at some sort of event.  They are all standing except for a Muslim women, who is wearing a head scarf, and her children.  The caption reads “if you can’t stand for our national anthem, go back to the country that you came from.”

I can’t began to describe the ignorance in this statement.  First of all if this woman is in fact from another country why would she stand for the national anthem of another country other than her own?  When you stand during the national anthem you are making a public declaration of your allegiance to that country.   

But most likely this was more of a religious decision.  Perhaps she pledges her allegiance to God rather than a country or government.  I don’t, I don’t know why she didn’t stand.  All I know is that she has the right to make that decision as do all of us.  This is was our constitution is all about.  This is what our forefathers fought for, freedom of religion, freedom of expression. 

There is a difference between diversity and terrorism so to the person who created this post – get your nose out of your computer, go outside and see the world, meet people, experience life and maybe, just maybe you won’t be so ignorant in the future. 

Monday, June 27, 2016

CNN Breaking News

Every morning I while having my breakfast I sit and watch CNN.  I like to keep up with what’s going on in the world, get all the latest news, stay in the know.  So this morning as I’m watching CNN suddenly across the screen comes the big red banner screaming “BREAKING NEWS.”  My heart skips a beat, what could it be?  It must be something so important that they have to break into the regular programming for this “breaking news.”  So as I sit on the edge of my seat in anticipation the news anchor comes on and announces “Donald Trump is about to give a speech!”  Seriously, that’s the breaking news.  Donald Trump is always giving a speech.  That big red banner should have red “Donald Trump is giving another speech, so…nothing new to report”  Everyday that’s all that is on CNN is either Donald or Hilary giving yet another speech but they never say anything new.  CNN could actually just re-run the same speech each day and it would be the same thing.  Everyday it’s the same thing:

Trump:  Hilary called me a poop-poop head but I’m not a poop-poop head she is.

Hilary: I’m not a poop-poop head you are.

Trump: No I’m not you are and my wiener is bigger than yours too.

Hilary: Not ah, my wiener is bigger – no wait, I don’t have a wiener but my husband's wiener is bigger than yours, just ask Monica.

Monica: Word

NEWS FLASH CNN  Trump and Hilary giving yet another childish speech is not “Breaking News.”

The Bachelorette: JoJo

On that first night of the Bachelorette when all the guys meet the her and each other for the first time and they are sitting around the living room of the bachelor house checking each other out, what do you think is really going through the minds of the non-Caucasian men?  Let’s put a little “reality” in reality TV shall we.  Out of twenty-five guys there are probably going to be four or five men of color, which on this season’s bachelorette with JoJo, there were five.  Now if any of these guys have watched the show before they know a couple of them will be cut the first night.  The remaining two or three guys would know that they will most likely me cut between rose ceremony 3 to 5 and there is no way they stand any chance of making it to the finale and get that final rose.  The most they can hope for is to get a quick make out session with the b

So why is it that the show’s producers are so afraid of diversity on the show?  Are they afraid people won’t watch it?  While they may be that shallow, we their audience are not.  Would I still watch the show if the bachelor was African American or Asian?  Absolutely.  Or why do all of the guys have to be so perfect, why don’t they include someone who is in a wheelchair or has an artificial limb?  There are some amazing and really hot guys that have handicaps.  Not only is the show starting to get boring with the same old thing, two white guys and a white girl and the end but it’s so obviously prejudicial.  Come on producers get with the times, a little diversity would go a long way.  Not to mention have more faith in your audience, we’re not all raciest.  Give us some variety, mix it up, don’t be afraid, it’s ok.  The world isn’t black and white (or in your case white) it’s filled with all different colors and shapes.  It’s a beautiful world out there, open your eyes and explore.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Big Brother 18

Ok I admit it, I am hooked on reality TV and I don’t even know why because very little of it is actually “real.”  Most of it is staged or manipulated but yet I still watch it faithfully.  Right now I am watching Big Brother 18 and even worse I subscribed to the live feeds but in my defense I am an insomniac and am often up late at night and there is nothing on TV late night so the live feeds offer some entertainment. 

I have to say there are some seriously stupid people in this group of house guests.  These people went to college, which just goes to show you that you can send someone to a good school, buy them books, pay for an expensive education but you can’t fix dumb.  Seriously the ignorant things that come out of their mouths makes you wonder how they survive in life without a tutor.  I know a major part of succeeding in the Big Brother house is having a good social game but it would drive me crazy to be in there and not call these people out on the stupid things the
y say.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.  Natalie, Jozea and Michelle were sitting around talking about abortion.  Michelle said she is pro-choice when Michelle chimes in and says she is too after all ever month when a woman has her period she is having an abortion!!!!  What???   Who taught her about the female body the homeless guy on the corner?  Crap, buy a book, search the internet, ask your tutor, the info is out there.  

Things soon moved on to the kitchen area where Michelle couldn’t stop talking about great the cucumbers tasted when something was said about eating natural foods.  This is when Jozea chimed in and said that’s why he didn’t like to eat carrots because they weren’t “natural” food.  What the heck does that mean?  Carrots are grown in a Petri dish or maybe they are made up of other ingredients and baked like cookies.  And this is coming from someone who has compared himself to the Messiah and Obama.  Well, you know what they say, “stupid is, is stupid does.”